Thursday, 27 February 2014


Yesterday saw our termite protection installed, as well as our frames delivered and partially installed. Looking good so far other than a random plumbing pipe in bedroom 4. Also not sure our fridge is going to fit in the space, so going to have to look into that a bit further before they proceed to far as we have a variation that states that the finished fridge space needs to be 980mm wide and at the moment it only appears to be around 940mm.

Bedrooms 2 & 3

Front Entry Hallway

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3

Kids Loungeroom

Hall way off kids loungeroom



4th Bedroom

Alfresco area

Kitchen - rumpus / bedroom 4 & laundry behind

Entry Hallway - looking down from the kitchen

Main Bedroom

Walk-in Wardrobe


3/03/14 - The rest of the walls were completed, and half of the roof trusses erected

4/03/14 - The rest of the framwork was completed

Front Portico

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3

Kids Lounge Room



Bedroom 4

Walk in Pantry

Lounge Room

Rumpus Room

Dining Room & alfresco

Dining Room and Kitchen



Main Hall

Main Bedroom




5/3/14 - Windows & laundry sliding door were installed

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3

Kids Lounge Room


Lounge Room

Dining Room

Rumpus Room

Bedroom 4


Main Bed Room


6/3/14 - Gutters and fascia installed

Tiles ready to go on

10/04/14 - The rest of the internal frame work was started today.

Main Bedroom

 Main bathroom cavity door frame

11/04/14 - The internal framework was finally finished today!

Bath frame

Bulk head above bath

Bulk head in main bedroom

Kitchen bulkhead

Rumpus room niche wall

15/4/14 - Just when I think the frame work is finished - they come back and do more.