Bricks to the right of the expansion gap are common bricks which will be rendered to match the front of the house
25/3/14 - Brickies have been working very hard for the last 2 days, there were at least 5 of them on-site today and we are very happy with how much they have gotten done.
Front of Third Garage
Main garage looking at front portico
Front Portico - Second Bedroom
Front of Third Bedroom
Right hand side of house (3rd bedroom, kids loungeroom)
26/3/14 - Brickies were hard at it again today. The front of the house is finished except for finishing touches around the windows, more bricking was down down the right hand side of the house and they have started across the back of the house in the pool area.
Back of the house
4th Bedroom and Rumpus Room
3rd Bedroom & Kids Lounge Room
Front of Third Bedroom
Front Portico & 2nd Bedroom
Front Portico
Double Garage
28/3/14 - Despite constant rain for the past 2 days, we have still had brickies onsite every day. Stegbar also came and installed our stacker doors. Bricks will hopefully be fully finished by the end of next week.
Back of third garage
Inside 3rd garage wall
2nd bedroom
Alfresco stacker doors
Dining room and Rumpus room
Alfresco columns
Ensuite & Main Bedroom
Our second pool
31/3/14 - Today we recevied our progress claim for brickwork........ but its still not finished!! SS said it will be done tomorrow.... wont be submitting it to the bank for payment until it is. Called past this arvo to have a look and there is still quite a bit to be done - I really dont think it will be finished tomorrow.
24/4/14 - Most of the sills were finished today, looks like just one back sill, some work above the garage door and front window to go and the bricks will finally be completed!
2nd bedroom & kids lounge room
Main bathroom
4th bedroom & rumpus room
Dining room & rumpus room
Another alfresco column
Looking from alfresco to 3rd garage
Lounge room & Main bedroom
1/04/14 - Bricking continued today, looks like there is only about a days work left finishing off around the windows etc.
3/4/14 - no action with the brick work at all since tuesday, after being told by SS on monday that it would be completed on tuesday. SS now cant give me a date that they will return to complete, but assures me that it wont hold up progress on the house. Will not be paying the bricking invoice until it is completed.
23/4/14 - The brickies finally returned today and have started to finish off the remaining brickwork, hoping they will get it completed tomorrow. Cant wait to see it finally finished.
24/4/14 - Most of the sills were finished today, looks like just one back sill, some work above the garage door and front window to go and the bricks will finally be completed!