Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Selections Appointments

Finally received an email last night asking us to contact Raw interiors to make our colour selection appointment. I rang them first thing this morning and made our booking for the first available saturday which is 19th October. Our appointment is at 1pm which allows us plenty of time to attend Accent carpets for a 10am appointment to have a look through there timber floor selections and get some prices.

Now that we have those 2 appointments booked in, I was on a mission to arrange the Tile & Electrical appointments on the monday straight after colours, whilst everything was fresh in our heads, and because if things go according to plan, and we have no more setbacks, we should have our DA approval the same week.

So after some helpful information and contact numbers from  homeone forum members, all our appointments are booked. Our tile appointment is at 7:30 monday 21st October at Beresfield, and our electrical is at 11am at Swansea.

Who would have thought that making a few appointments would make a person happy.... it finally feels like we are getting somewhere!!

Now to try and wait patiently for our engineer plans to be complete so we can get into council....only 8 more sleeps max hopefully.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Another Set Back

Contacted our CSO last wednesday to find out if they were on track to lodge our plans at council on Thursday, and we told that Hunter Water would not endorse our plans as the footprint of our house is to close to the sewer. Our water tank is only a meter from the sewer, but we are unable to move the tank anywhere else without it ruining the look of our future backyard/entertaining area.

To ensure that Hunter Water will endorse our plans, we now have to wait for 2 weeks for more engineer plans to be drawn up to show that there will be piering in the area, and that the sewer will not be effected by the water tank.

Although it is only a minor setback as such, it feels as though we are taking more steps backwards than forwards at the moment.

We are also still patiently waiting, for 2 weeks now, to be contacted to make our selections appointments. Im really disappointed in the lack of contact regarding these appointments. We just want to go and make all our selections so it feels like we are actually building a house not just dreaming about it.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Slowly Moving Forward

We are now 78 days into the pre-build phase, and and it is really dragging. Everyone said the admin phase is hard, but I severly under estimated how hard and frustrating it would be. I find myself daily stalking other blogs pre-build timelines to see where they were at this stage, and its very disheartening to see that we are miles behind, and the chance of us having a slab by xmas is getting slimmer each day.

Yesterday we received our DA plans to check, and unfortunatley found an error. Only minor, in that it is just wording, but if its not fixed before it goes to council, it will result in our plans getting knocked back. Fingers crossed it can be rectified in the next day or so, so we can get the plans to council, and FINALLY book our colour selection, electrical, and tile appointments.